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    Graduate Testimonial: Jessica

    Given that you could set your own deadlines, it was very easy to submit work in your own time without added pressure.

    Jessica has recently completed our Level 5 Teacher Training course. Read below her Global Online Business Academy.

    1. Why did you choose to study with Global Online Business Academy?

    I wanted a remote learning course that I could undertake whilst working in a school and running my own dance company.

    1. How would you describe your experience of studying with Global Online Business Academy?

    I enrolled just before the pandemic hit in 2020 and actually found it really easy to fit around teaching from home. I completed the online modules and assessments first then tackled each of the written assignments.

    1. What did you like the most about the course with Global Online Business Academy?

    Using my expertise to my advantage. I found I really enjoyed drawing on my experiences as a teacher and being able to use my knowledge of teaching as well as my dance specialism within the written assignments. I also enjoyed learning more from the feedback I gathered from other staff and students during observations and evaluative sessions.

    1. Do you have any advice for current or prospective students?

    Time manage! It was fairly time consuming on occasions but given that you could set your own deadlines, it was very easy to submit work in your own time without added pressure. Once I returned to teaching in school in September 2020, I found I needed the extra time to complete some of the longer assignments and the flexibility within the course really worked for me but equally, I knew I had to be disciplined enough to get the work completed!

     5. What are your plans now?

    I have been teaching dance for the past 20 years but will be moving on to continue my CPD and gaining my QTLS with SET.

    Read more testimonials here.

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