The course offers a good overview of all areas that might be covered within a typical MBA program without needing to specialise.
Philip has recently completed our Level 7 Business Strategic Management course. Read below his Global Online Business Academy experience.
I chose to study with Global Online Business Academy because it provided a way to learn the key skills required of an MBA in a cost effective and flexible way that I could engage with at my own pace. I was reasonably confident about my academic ability but wanted to think about the application of some of the ideas I was already aware of and develop new skills. I’m at a point in my career where studying full time wasn’t an option so the flexibility was useful but as it was during lockdown i was also able to use time when we were expected to stay at home to invest in something productive.
As with any academic study it wasn’t all smooth sailing and there were one or two assignments which I struggled with but the feedback was helpful and I was able to quickly apply the feedback and develop my work accordingly in most circumstances. The tutors were fairly patient and helpful when giving feedback which is very important. There was a clear structure to follow which helps guide you through all the requirements.
I very much appreciated the opportunity to touch on all areas that would be covered in a set curriculum rather than having to choose between specialist areas. I think the course offers a good overview of all areas that might be covered within a typical MBA program without needing to specialise or choose one at the expense of another.
I think it is really important to understand how the questions you are required to answer relate to the learning outcomes. Paying careful attention to the learning outcomes will help to focus your assignments in the right way.
I am topping up to an MBA at Anglia Ruskin university and am hoping to start a PhD in later September.